Recent Podcast Episodes
How Amazon Raised the Bar on Recruiting Talent | John Vlastelica
Today, in the Invent Like An Owner Podcast, Dave speaks with John Vlastelica to talk about how Amazon scaled recruitment. They’ll discuss the origin and impact of the Bar Raiser program, where select employees helped pick top notch applicants, the…
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What It Was like to Be Amazon’s 5th Software Engineer | Eric Benson
Today, in the Invent Like An Owner Podcast, Dave speaks with Eric Benson to discuss his myriad early software engineering projects at a time when Amazon was rapidly growing as a company. He implemented Book Matcher (which didn’t last long)…
Continue Reading What It Was like to Be Amazon’s 5th Software Engineer | Eric Benson
How Amazon Prime’s Subscription Management Service was Invented | Neil Roseman & Jorrit Van der Meulen
Today, in the Invent Like An Owner Podcast, Dave speaks with Neil Roseman & Jorrit Van der Meulen. The discussion revolves around Amazon’s DVD rental business which was launched outside of the US, the significance of the Subscription Management Service,…
Recent Blog Posts
The Story behind ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers)
The Story behind ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers)
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Fixing Errors in the Amazon Catalog
An early task that was assigned to me at Amazon was correcting errors in the Amazon catalog. We built the catalog as a batch job, using two very large databases of books from the book distributors Baker & Taylor and…
Common Amazon Acronyms
Podcast listeners have asked about the definitions of acronyms commonly used at Amazon.com (which have been mentioned during episodes), so here’s a list of common acronyms. I’ll add to this list after future episodes (vs trying to create an all-encompassing…